Character profile


When writing a book or screenplay, there is a lot to keep in mind as to how to make your story interesting and believable. Whether it’s your plot, writing style, theme, or so on, you want to captivate your readers/viewers from beginning to end. Yet, no matter how great the story, this be achieved without one of the most important aspects — a relatable character.

Your main character is what drives the story. Without them, there isn’t a story. They must be engaging so that the audience does not become bored and abandon all your hard work. It can be hard to develop your character, so I use a Character Profile. Here’s an example you are free to use.

I created this profile with the categories that helped me to develop my own characters.. Don’t just use it for your main character, If you have a side character that feels one dimensional and unbelievable, then use this for them.

Engagement with player characters can be goal-related or empathic, where goal-related engagement depends on affects made by goal-status evaluations whereas characters do something empathic. The concepts of recognition, alignment, and allegiance are used to describe how engagement is structured in games. Recognition describes aspects of character interpretation. Alignment describes what kind of access players have to a character’s actions, knowledge, and affects. Allegiance describes how characters elicit sympathy or antipathy through positive or negative evaluation of the character.

(Website source for my research)


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